Much of the information to date has been mostly about TMJ issues. TMJ is really but a segment or a part of the practice of orofacial pain treatment. We see, in my office or at the dental school orofacial pain clinic where I teach, many patients with a variety of pain issues. Solving them is not easy and requires advanced education. Seeing an orofacial pain dentist in nj who has expertise is similar to seeing a regular physician for no customary dental procedures are done during those visits. Patients are billed through their medical insurance.
The areas of treatment include patients suffering with trigeminal neuralgia, sometimes idiopathic in nature and other times induced by traumatic dental procedures. Other patients suffer from mid-face migraine attacks, often resembling throbbing pain over the back upper molar teeth. Still others suffer from deafferentation pain which is the result of postoperative pain in susceptible people. Those having that condition have continuous wave-like pain that varies in intensity from moderate to severe. There also a variety of headache type issues which are difficult to diagnose.
Became of such difficult-to-diagnose oromandibular pain issues, often a variety of dental procedures are used in a wrong-headed attempt to correct a non-dental pain with a therapeutic dental procedure. The above listed maladies are non dental in nature and because they are in the area of the mouth and face, uninformed dentists attempt to correct those problems with a variety of dental procedures. In future blogs I will discuss the various types of maladies that fall under the orofacial pain umbrella.
For your treatment and diagnosis of orofacial pain, call (201) 461-1333 or click here.